Started in 2006, Molecular Frontiers operates as a non-profit organization, hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its Scientific Advisory Board, a group of eminent scientists including many Nobel Prize laureates, represent expertise from a wide range of molecular science disciplines
Molecular events underpin much of what happens in our daily lives and on our planet. Everything from storage of memories in our brains to medical diagnostics and climate change all depends on molecular actions. Aiming to raise the appreciation of science and technology and their importance in addressing sustainability challenges, Molecular Frontiers presents in a new way the roles of molecules in various exciting and urgent contexts, especially catering to young people.
Molecular Frontiers started as a non-profit foundation registered in the state of Massachusetts, USA in 2006. In 2007, a second branch was founded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden. Working globally, Molecular Frontiers also has hubs in Africa and Asia. The organization operates with a small staff and relies extensively on volunteer contributions and support from governments, industry, and other non-profits.
The Scientific Advisory Board, a group of eminent scientists including many Nobel Prize laureates, plays a key role in Molecular Frontiers. Representing expertise from a wide range of molecular science disciplines, they define the scientific focal points of symposia, interact with the young audience and contribute to the MoleClues web site. The board also selects the winners of the Molecular Frontiers Inquiry Prize. With the ambition of global reach, Molecular Frontiers aspires to include scholars from all continents.